Access Keys:

Scoil Bhride, Killshandra, Co Cavan

Physical Education

Scoil Bhríde prides itself on the Physical Education facilities and the many sports and activities which we provide and we believe that we are in a strong position to apply for and achieve an Active School Flag.  

  • Each class in our school participates in a minimum of one hour timetabled Physical Education per week. Pupils take part in lessons that cover the strands of the Physical Education Curriculum - Athletics, Dance, Games, Gymnastics and Outdoor and Adventure activities. These lessons take place in the playground and on school grounds. Teachers allocate a balanced amount of teaching time to each of the PE strands.
  • Some classes also take part in the aquatics strand by attending swimming lessons throughout the year and by engaging with Land PAWS (water safety)
  • Teachers work together to strengthen their delivery of a different P.E. strand each year. We use the P.S.S.I. lesson plans and Move Well, Move Often resources to guide our delivery of the P.E. programme.
  • Members of staff regularly undertake C.P.D. in P.E. and ideas and resources are shared among staff.
  • PE activities are planned in a way that makes them accessible to all our pupils.
  • Each child's progress is discussed with parents at P/T meetings and feed back included in the child's end of year report.
  • Our school carries out an annual audit of P.E. equipment and resources are organised and clearly labelled in our P.E. store.
  • The staff have worked together to strengthen their delivery of a different PE strand every year and this year they have standardised the PE Plan to ensure that each class was focusing on the same strand and Fundamental Movement Skills each month.
  • We also prioritised Athletics as our strand for development this year. Throughout the year teachers attended the Move Well, Move Often training course in Cavan as part of our dedication to teachers professional development. New knowledge, ideas and resources have been shared among the staff.